Monse-Heart Healthcare & Safety Tutoring Institute, LLC

Monse-Heart Healthcare & Safety Tutoring Institute, LLC


Welcome to Monse-Heart Healthcare & Safety Tutoring Institute LLC.

This is an educational blog, where patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, students, and teachers can share and receive knowledge and experience towards learning to provide quality care to the patients.

We believe in clinical excellence, which is achieved by mastering professionalism, communication, genuine concern for the patient’s well-being, and beneficial use of the healthcare delivery system.

Continuing Education:

Why everyone should know CPR?

About92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital,but statistics indicate that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. Immediate CPR can double or even triple a victim’s chance of survival. 

The American Heart Association has designed three levels of CPR. Community training is designed for laypersons who desire to learn lifesaving skills, which is a non-certification course. Both Workplace training and Healthcare training courses are designed to meet certification requirements and other specific skills required in workplace and healthcare settings. 

The goal of Monse-Heart Outreach Program is to assist individuals and organizations in their search for training and educational opportunities related to emergency medical services. Our team conducts the following workshops:

  • Community Awareness Presentation on CPR for Family & Friends and Public Access Defibrillation Program.
  • Conducting all levels of CPR Training& Certification Programs. 
  • Conducting Safety, First Aid and Emergency Response Training Certification Programs.

Monse-Heart Healthcare & Safety Tutoring Institute, is an institution of opportunity and diversity; committed to excellence in teaching and training individuals, organizations and the community.

We are affiliated with the American Heart Association which offers training and education to Healthcare Professionals, Allied Healthcare Personnel and the General Public.

We provide training in CPR and First Aid at a very low cost. Community Training equips families and individuals to adequately respond to medical emergencies.

Workplace and Healthcare Training include several courses designed to meet various job requirements. These courses meet certification and other specific skill learning requirements.

NEW YORK OFFICE:  Serves the five Boroughs of New York City, New York Metropolitan, and the Tri-State areas.

VIRGINIA OFFICE: Serves Northern Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland.


Welcome to Monse-Heart.

Patient, consumer, or client which evertitle someone may give you in reality you are “The Kings and Queens” of the healthcare industry. You’re the reason for its existence. Monse-Heart would like to hear your side of the story.

The purpose of this blog is to voice challenges patients have had in the past or are currently facing while receiving care from a healthcare provider. Your story will provide your side of the experience.

The story will go to our blog team who will then take the experience to improve teaching students, in healthcare, howto serve patients in a more excellent and efficient way. Also, healthcare providers, who are in the field, will have access to the blog to learn how to serve patients in a better way.

You may or may not see your story posted on the blog. Be assured it will definitely be read by the blog team.Parts of your story may be paraphrased or quoted in future articles. Credit will be given to the appropriate person.

Monse-Heart wishes you optimal health, strength, and longevity to enjoy life to the fullest. Stay Blessed


Welcome to Monse-Heart!

When a person takes on the role as“caregiver” for someone who is chronic, critical, or terminally ill it requires round the clock care. Whether you are caring for a spouse, parent, sibling,child, or even a close friend this role brings on a tremendous shift in responsibilities. Life seems to take a 180 degree turn and may feel out of control.

The purpose of this blog is to provide support. When you click “caregiver” you will find community resources and healthcare related information that may benefit you or your loved one. This blog also gives you an opportunity to share your story with others.

You may email us a one-page typed story regarding your experience as a caregiver. Please include personal experiences and challenges faced with healthcare providers. Please write your story in a respectful manner, and omit facility and healthcare provider names but,indicate whether it is a hospital, nursing home, home, ect.

You may or may not see your story on this blog but be assured your story is being read by our blog team and students(healthcare providers). Our blog team may paraphrase or quote certain parts of your story, and proper credit will be given.

Healthcare Providers

Welcome Healthcare Providers

“The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity” – Leo Tolstoy

Medical emergency, in-patient,out-patient, in-home healthcare and Allied healthcare providers you are the cornerstone of the healthcare delivery system.

Monse-Heart welcomes you to this blog.The purpose of the blog is for you to voice your challenges in providing quality healthcare to your clients/patients. We want you to share possible solutions through your experience and knowledge on how clinical excellence can be achieved in care delivery.

You may email us a one-page story regarding your experience as a healthcare provider. Include how care could have been given differently and problems avoided in trying to provide excellent healthcare.

Healthcare providers, students,patients, caregivers have access to this blog. Please write your article in a respectful manner using appropriate language. Also, protect people and facilities identities by not using names. You may indicate if it was a hospital, home, nursing home, etc.

We may or may not use your story but be assured our blog team will read them. Parts of your story may be paraphrased or quoted. Proper credit will be given.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” – Winston Churchill

Monse-Heart wishes you happy serving. Stay Blessed

Language Learning:

Online Learning, “TheBest Option”.

Monse-Heart online programs offer you the flexibility to balance your studies with work and family obligations. The online platform is perfect for individuals who want to improve their knowledge and skills to achieve their desired goal; without compromising their busy schedules, or who are unable to attend campus.

For your benefit, we have a wide range of the latest top-quality online resources that include live one-on-one discussions with your instructor during the sessions; and a versatile online platform for live and self-paced teaching/learning with interactive lessons, videos, and test bank.

English as a Second Language  (ESL)

ESL is for people who desire to learn the English language or require it for work or a study abroad in an English-speaking country. Monse-Heart has included an ESL course to assist our non-native English Language students who require extra tutoring to pass the following exams successfully. 

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

OET (Occupational English Test)

NCLEX (National Council Licensure Exam) and,

USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) 

Do you need to take any of the above-mentioned courses? All the courses begin with a placement test to assess the Student’s competency level. Based on their Gap Analysis,individualized teaching sessions are planned and prepared for each student.Students also enhance listening and comprehension by participating in fun activities such as listening to songs, news clips, watching movies, and playing interactive games. Our up to date and innovative digital library and experienced teachers create an enjoyable learning experience, as well as the opportunity to achieve the desired score in all four sections of the test.

Monse-Heart invites you to join our innovative online language learning platform to have an enjoyable learning experience. Happy Learning!

ESL Ministry:

Learn English throughBible stories and songs                                                 

Monse-Heart free ESL ministry is for the immigrants and other non-native English speakers who have settled in the west and are facing challenges for learning English to fulfill their immediate need to work and support themselves and their families. 

Learning English is integral for an immigrant to be able to live to their fullest potential and to be able to contribute to the nation. Several non-for- profit organizations are serving immigrant communities locally, but many people are unable to take advantage of the classes due to distance, carfare, work, or other family obligations. 

Monse-Heart is forming a free online ESL ministry to assist anyone interested in joining our Bible-based ESL program. Classes will be conducted online by trained volunteers. We are inviting volunteers to join us in reaching out to the immigrants to assist them in language learning and to share the gospel.

It is heartbreaking to see the immigrants sitting in the church pews and not comprehending the message. No one should stay hungry amid provision due to a language barrier,for simply not being able to ask where the closest restaurant or a grocery store is.

Monse-Heart welcomes students of all faiths and beliefs. Happy Learning!

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